CCTV technology for efficient surveying of your drains
Because drains are mostly inaccessible, hidden in underground locations, a blockage or problem isn’t always obvious. From invasive tree roots, fatty deposits, to damaged and collapsed pipes and more, there are numerous issues that may be the cause.
And to find the problem cause and the solution comes in Blocked Drain Services Near Me.
This is why CCTV drain surveys can be vital. We are using the latest video equipment. It means that the team can investigate the pipes in depth. And we can view the problematic passage on a live screen feed too. We Operate CCTV drain surveys throughout the local area.
Rats and worms in drains
Not only drain problems are found using CCTV drain survey. There are rats, worms and all kind of small bugs and insects too. We have a collection of recordings and footage’s with different animals. We would be able to do a documentary about drain and sewer inhabitants.
Whatever been filmed and recorded during the CCTV drain survey is highly important for the drain maintenance. We then see what are the issues. An we can give an advice and tips to the customer. So these problems would not reoccur.
CCTV drain surveys allows the team to be able to effectively diagnose problems in a matter of minutes. And swiftly apply the correct solution to save time and money.
To know how to deal with it
If we would use the CCTV drain survey we would spend hours or days trying to find the issue. And if we managed to find it fast, we would not know how to best deal with it. That’s why the blockage details received from the survey is very important.
A CCTV drainage survey can quickly identify the problem locate where the exact issue lies, quickly. By employing the experts with the right CCTV tools you’ll have top of the line service and technology working for your quickest solution. Speak to us now and ask us any questions on the topic of drains, your call is welcome twenty-four-seven.